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We did it again! We bring you our new Guitar Shape Shaper with Bra included, feel more comfortable and with fewer layers of clothing on your body, with the same strong compression in the abdomen and double reinforcements in the back and lumbar. Reach your goals of showing off a body with more pronounced lines and a small waist. Ideal for after a 360 Lipo plastic surgery with BBL and breast surgery, with our Guitar Shape with Brazier Included you will feel safe, comfortable, and with the pressure that your body asks of you, it has 4 rows of adjustable clasps and wide straps adjustable at the shoulders, designed with large spaces in the buttocks large to avoid compressing the buttocks after a fat transfer and wide leg to avoid marking the thigh, this girdle is recommended after the first month onwards for most people, but as everyone heals differently, there are those who can make the transition to the 3rd stage in 2 weeks or less.




Lo hicimos de nuevo!  te traemos nuestra nueva Guitar Shape Shaper con Brazier incluido, sientete mas comoda y con menos prendas en tu cuerpo, con la misma compression fuerte en el abdomen y doble refuerzos en la espalda y lumbares. Alcanza tus metas de lucir un cuerpo con lineas mas pronunciadas y una cintura pequena. Ideal para  despues de una cirugia plastica de 360 Lipo con BBL y cirugia de senos, con nuestra Guitar Shape con Brazier Incluido te sentiras segura,  comoda, y con la pression que tu cuerpo te pida, cuenta con 4 hileras de broches ajustables y tirantes anchos ajustables en los hombros, disenada en cola grande para evitar comprimir los gluteos  despues de una transferencia de grasa y pierna ancha para evitar marcar el muslo, esta faja es recomendada despues del primer mes en adelante para la mayoria de personas, pero como cada quien sana diferente hay quienes pueden hacer la transicion a la 3rd etapa en 2 semanas  o menos.


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